Offset tutorial

The core idea

Consider Alice, who has two friends, Bob and Charli. Suppose that at the same time:

  • Bob owes Alice 50 dollars
  • Alice also owes Charli 50 dollars.
    (-50,+50)       (-50, +50)
Bob --------- Alice ---------- Charli

Suppose that Charli meets Bob one day, and Bob has a bicycle he wants to sell for exactly 50 dollars. Suppose also that Charli is exactly looking to buy a bicycle, and he decides to buy it from bob. In this case Charli can take the bicycle, and they both ask Alice to forget about the debts on both sides.

In a sense, Charli made a payment to Bob by asking Alice to offset the debts. No real money bills had to pass hands to make this happen.

      (0, 0)          (0, 0)
Bob --------- Alice ---------- Charli

If Bob and Charli perform these kinds of transactions very often, it is reasonable for Alice to charge for forwarding the transactions. For example, Alice could charge 1 dollar for every transaction she forwards.

Offset is a system that works this way. People or organizations can set up mutual credit with each other, and leverage those mutual credits to send payments to anyone in the network. A participant that mediates a transaction earns 1 credit.

Initial setup

Offset is a network of nodes with mutual credit relationship between them. Therefore the first thing we are going to do is to set up a node. To be able to talk with our node we will also set up an application.

    Node ----- Application

The Node is the part that does most of the hard work: processing transactions. You can leave it to work in the background.

The Application is a way to communicate and control the node operation. Some things that offset applications can do:

  • Configure mutual credits with other nodes (Called: friends)
  • View the current balance
  • Find routes between nodes
  • Send credits to a remote node

We start by creating a directory for our first experiment. Let's call it my_offset.

$ mkdir my_offset
$ cd my_offset

Next, we create a directory for our first node:

$ mkdir node0
# Trusted applications:
$ mkdir node0/trusted

And a directory for our first app:

$ mkdir app0

At this point, this is what your directory tree (inside my_offset/) should look like:

├── app0
├── node0
│   └── trusted

All following commands will be run from the root directory (my_offset/).

Cryptographic identity

Next, we create an cryptographic identity for our node and application. In offset, every entity has a cryptographic identity which allows it to talk securely with other entities.

$ stmgr gen-ident --output node0/node0.ident
$ stmgr gen-ident --output app0/app0.ident

Node database

We initialize the node's database. The database contains the node's balances with other nodes, and some other configuration.

$ stmgr init-node-db --idfile node0/node0.ident --output node0/node0.db

Node ticket

Next, we create a ticket for the node. This serves an invitation for an application to connect to the node:

$ stmgr node-ticket --address --idfile node0/node0.ident --output node0/node0.ticket

Application ticket

An offset node is a program that manages your credits, so we can't let any application connect to the node and perform operations. Therefore for every application that we want to allow to connect to the node, we need to create a ticket with specific permissions. Let's create a ticket for our application:

$ stmgr app-ticket --idfile app0/app0.ident --pconfig --pfunds --proutes --output node0/trusted/app0.ticket

The command above creates a ticket for app0 and stores it in the trusted dir of node0. This will allow node0 to know that app0 is trusted.

Note the additional flags we used in the command: --pconfig, --pfunds and --proutes. Those are permissions for configuration, sending funds and requesting routes respectively.

Starting the node

At this point you should have this file tree:

├── app0
│   ├── app0.ident
│   └── node0.friend
├── node0
│   ├── node0.db
│   ├── node0.ident
│   ├── node0.ticket
│   └── trusted
│       └── app0.ticket

We can start the node with the command:

$ stnode --database node0/node0.db --idfile node0/node0.ident --laddr --trusted node0/trusted &

Note that the address we use for listening should be the same address as the one advertised in the node ticket (See stmgr node-ticket above), otherwise the application using the node ticket will connect to the wrong address.

The & at the end of the command means that the node will run in the background.

The node we have just spawned is "alone in the world". It does not have any mutual credit with other nodes, and has no means of communication (because no relay servers were configured) and no means of finding friend routes (no index servers were configured). All that the node does now is wait for further commands from an application.

Connecting with stctrl

We will use the command line stctrl application to connect to communicate with the node. To make sure that everything works correctly, run this command:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info friends

If everything went well, the expected output is something of the form:

No configured friends.

Which is true, because we have not yet configured any friends.

Configuring relays

Relays are servers that help nodes communicate. Every node must have at least one configured relay to function.

You can start your own relay, or use a public relay that someone else is running.

Configuring a relay is done using the command:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config add-relay \
            -n my_relay -r my_relay.ticket

Where -n my_relay is your own name for this relay (You can pick any name you want), and -r my_relay.ticket is a ticket file provided by the relay owner.

You can view the configured relays using stctrl's info relays subcommand. Example:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info relays
| relay name | public key                                  | address        |
| relay0     | Brvo3Fo0O2svzU1rFdcBL6FtLVNL6b8xJNAWgZc7ll0 | |

A relay can be removed using stctrl's config remove-relay subcommand.

Index servers

Index servers are servers that help nodes find routes to send credits. Every node must have at least one index server to be able to send and receive funds.

A connection to an index server allows a node to find routes to other nodes, and at the same time allows other nodes to find routes to the node.

Anyone can start an index server, however, to be effective index servers must federate with other index servers. This way information about nodes can propagate.

Consider the following example: Node NA is connected to index server IA, and node NB is connected to to index server IB:

     IA                IB
     |                 |
     |                 |
     NA == ND == NE == NB

| - Communication
= - Mutual credit relationship

Suppose that NA wants to send funds to NB. NA first asks the index server IA for a route. If the index server IA does not federate with the index server IB, IA will probably not know about the route NA == ND == NE == NB, and as a result NA will not be able to send funds to NB.

Configuring index servers

TODO: How to obtain public index servers?

An index server can be configured using the command:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config add-index \
            -n my_index -i my_index.ticket

You can view the configured index servers using stctrl's info index subcommand. Example:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info index
| index server name | public key                                  | address        |
| index0 (*)        | LMncLsod0HGDG66kEJJ3kki68CAGfjDsPTdGdLsyD5M | |

In this version of offset a node connects to only one index server at a time. If the index server is down, an attempt is made to connect to the next one on the list. (This behaviour might change in the future)

The currently connected index server is marked with a star ("*").

Adding an extra node

To experiment with sending funds, we need at least one more node. To get an extra node (Let's call it node1), we run the same commands but with node1 instead of node0. Also note that we use port 9501 instead of 9500 for listening, as it is not possible for the two nodes to listen on the same TCP port.

# Create directory tree:
$ mkdir node1
$ mkdir node1/trusted
$ mkdir app1

# Create identities:
$ stmgr gen-ident --output node1/node1.ident
$ stmgr gen-ident --output app1/app1.ident

# Prepare node:
$ stmgr init-node-db --idfile node1/node1.ident --output node1/node1.db
$ stmgr node-ticket --address --idfile node1/node1.ident --output node1/node1.ticket
$ stmgr app-ticket --idfile app1/app1.ident --pconfig --pfunds --proutes --output node1/trusted/app1.ticket

# Run node:
$ stnode --database node1/node1.db --idfile node1/node1.ident --laddr --trusted node1/trusted &

# Configure relay:
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket config add-relay \
            -n my_relay -r my_relay.ticket

# Configure index:
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket config add-index \
            -n my_index -i my_index.ticket

Configuring mutual credit

At this point the two nodes (node0 and node1) do not know about each other:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info friends
No configured friends.
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket info friends
No configured friends.

Exporting friend tickets

We create friend ticket for each node. This will allow the opposite node to add it as a friend:

# Export node0 info as a friend file:
$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info export-ticket -o app0/node0.friend
# Export node1 info as a friend file:
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket info export-ticket -o app1/node1.friend

A friend file contains a node's public key and a list of relays that can be used to communicate with a node.

$ cat app0/node0.friend
public_key = "TiTqXCEMBDoAyseEiw8t6r3L7do_k0iXOU1_rk4ERqw"

public_key = "Brvo3Fo0O2svzU1rFdcBL6FtLVNL6b8xJNAWgZc7ll0"
address = ""

Adding friends

# Node0 adds node1 as a friend:
$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config add-friend -n node1 -f app1/node1.friend --balance=100
# Node1 adds node0 as a friend:
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket config add-friend -n node0 -f app0/node0.friend --balance=-100

Note that in the above commands we chose that node0 has the initial balance of 100 credits, and node1 has the dual initial balance of -100.

If we now run info friends we get:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info friends
| st | name  | balance       |
| D- | node1 | C: LR=-, RR=- |
|    |       | B  =100       |
|    |       | LMD=0         |
|    |       | RMD=0         |
|    |       | LPD=0         |
|    |       | RPD=0         |

We can see that the balance is 100 from node0's side. Take a look at the st column: the status column. D means disabled, and - means offline. The two nodes can not see each other, because we have not yet enabled communication.

Enabling friends communication

To enable communication, run:

# Node0: Enable communication to node1:
$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config enable-friend -n node1
# Node1: Enable communication to node0:
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket config enable-friend -n node0

Running info friends should now output:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info friends
| st | name  | balance       |
| E+ | node1 | C: LR=-, RR=- |
|    |       | B  =100       |
|    |       | LMD=0         |
|    |       | RMD=0         |
|    |       | LPD=0         |
|    |       | RPD=0         |

Note that the status now is E+, which means enabled and online.

Setting credit limit

We still can not send credits between node0 and node1, because we have not yet configured the size of the credit limit. In other words, we need to configure:

  • The maximum amount of credits node0 allows node1 to have in debt.
  • The maximum amount of credits node1 allows node0 to have in debt.

The first amount can only be configured by node0, and the second amount can only be configured by node1.

From the point of view of node0, the balance may only move in the limits:

-localMaxDebt <= balance <= remoteMaxDebt

Where remoteMaxDebt is chosen by node0, and localMaxDebt is chosen by node1:

              |                                                |
    -localMaxDebt                                   remoteMaxDebt

Using the subcommand info friends we can see that the current localMaxDebt (Denoted as LMD) and remoteMaxDebt (Denoted as RMD) are both 0. So this is the current initial state from the point of view of node0:

                      remoteMaxDebt   balance = 100
                              |       |

Note that this is a degenerated state, because balance is not between -localMaxDebt and remoteMaxDebt. In this state it is only allowed for the balance to go down to the direction of remoteMaxDebt.

Let's adjust the two max debt values. This can be done using the set-friend-max-debt subcommand:

$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket config set-friend-max-debt -n node0 -m 150
$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config set-friend-max-debt -n node1 -m 200

The new diagram from the point of view of node0 should now be:

                                      balance = 100     remoteMaxDebt = 200
                                      |                |
        -localMaxDebt = -150

Opening requests

Consider the current output of the info friends subcommand:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info friends
| st | name  | balance       |
| E+ | node1 | C: LR=-, RR=- |
|    |       | B  =100       |
|    |       | LMD=150       |
|    |       | RMD=200       |
|    |       | LPD=0         |
|    |       | RPD=0         |

The first line of the balance column contains LR=-, RR=-. LR=- means that local requests are closed. In other words, it is not possible for node1 to open payments requests through us. RR=- means that remote requests are closed: node0 can not open payment requests through node1.

If we want to be able to send a payment from node0 to node1 we need to open the requests at node1. This can be done using the config open-friend subcommand:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config open-friend -n node1
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket config open-friend -n node0

Requests are now open between node0 and node1:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info friends
| st | name  | balance       |
| E+ | node1 | C: LR=+, RR=+ |
|    |       | B  =100       |
|    |       | LMD=150       |
|    |       | RMD=200       |
|    |       | LPD=0         |
|    |       | RPD=0         |

Sending funds

There are currently two ways to send funds using stctrl:

  • send-funds: Send funds without an invoice
  • pay-invoice: Pay an invoice

Internally both commands work the same. The difference between the two is that to pay with pay-invoice the recipient party must first generate an invoice file (Specifying the payment amount).

On the other hand, send-funds allows raw sending of funds to any party given that its public key is known. Paying with send-funds does not leave any means for the recipient of the funds to relate them to any specific transaction.


Let's begin with send-funds, which is the raw method of sending funds:

We first observe the initial balance:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info balance

Suppose that we want to send 50 credits from node0 to node1. We first need to know node1's public key:

$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket info public-key

Next, we use the send-funds subcommand to send credits:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket funds send-funds --amount 50 --dest bUoWZEEInqjDdw8TOBlpY0zpHF7hjLMAX_DdPrTI9y8
Payment successful!
Fees: 0

The new balance from the point of view of node0 and node1:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info balance
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket info balance


Suppose that node1 wants to buy a bag of bananas from node0 that cost 60 credits. To make the transaction, the following should happen:

  1. node0 prepares an invoice for 60 credits and sends it to node1.
  2. node1 pays the invoice and sends the receipt to node0.
  3. node0 verifies the receipt and (if the receipt was valid) gives the bag of bananas to node1.

(1) node0 prepares an invoice

To prepare an invoice, we first get node0's public key:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info public-key

node0 prepares an invoice using the stregister util:

$ stregister gen-invoice -a 60 -p TiTqXCEMBDoAyseEiw8t6r3L7do_k0iXOU1_rk4ERqw -o bananas.invoice

(2) node1 pays the invoice

node1 can now pay the invoice:

$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket funds pay-invoice -i bananas.invoice -r bananas.receipt
Payment successful!
Fees: 0

Note that a receipt file was created: bananas.receipt. The receipt file is a proof that node1 paid the invoice successfully. Node1 now hands over the receipt to node0.

(3) node0 verifies the receipt

$ stregister verify-receipt -i bananas.invoice -r bananas.receipt
Receipt is valid!

As expected, the balances now are:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket info balance
$ stctrl -I app1/app1.ident -T node1/node1.ticket info balance

Now that the payment is verified, node0 can give node1 the bag of bananas.

Running your own relay

Usually you will not need to run your own relay. You can configure your node to use known public relays instead. If you still want to run your own relay, read on.

We first need to create a new identity for the relay server. This can be done as follows:

$ mkdir relay
$ stmgr gen-ident --output relay/relay.ident

Next, we can start the relay using this command:

strelay --idfile relay/relay.ident --laddr &

To allow nodes to connect to our relays, we need to provide a relay ticket. A ticket can be generated using the following command:

$ stmgr relay-ticket --address --idfile relay/relay.ident --output relay/relay.ticket

Note that the address in the stmgr relay-ticket command must match the address in the strelay command (Otherwise, nodes will connect to the wrong relay address).

The ticket file relay.ticket can now be published. A user can download the relay ticket file and apply it to a node using the command:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config add-relay \
            -n my_relay -r relay.ticket

Running your own index server

Usually you will not need to run your own index server. You can configure your node to use known public index servers instead. If you still want to run your own index server, read on.

We first need to create a new identity for the index server. This can be done as follows:

$ mkdir index
$ stmgr gen-ident --output index/index.ident

Next, we need to set up a directory of trusted index servers:

mkdir index/trusted

And add a few trusted index servers tickets to this directory.

Note that it is required that the owners of those index servers will add our index server as a trusted index server too. For communication to happen between two index servers, it is crucial that both sides configure the remote side as a trusted index server.

To generate an index server facing ticket, we run the command:

$ stmgr index-ticket --idfile index/index.ident --address \
        --output index_server.ticket

We will send the resulting index_server.ticket to the owner of the remote index servers we want to communicate with.

To start the index server, we run:

stindex --idfile index/index.ident --lclient --lserver --trusted index/trusted &

We have two listening addresses above (lclient and lserver) because we listen on two different TCP ports: One for incoming connections from nodes (lclient) and one for incoming connections from federating index servers (lserver). Note that the index server facing ticket we created earlier matches the --lserver address.

To allow nodes to add our index server, we produce a node facing index ticket as follows:

$ stmgr index-ticket --idfile index/index.ident --address \
        --output index_client.ticket

Note that this command is very similar to the command we used to produce an index server facing ticket. The difference is the TCP port we have chosen and the output file name.

Now we can publish the index_client.ticket file. A node can add the index server to its configuration using this command:

$ stctrl -I app0/app0.ident -T node0/node0.ticket config add-index \
            -n my_index -i index_client.ticket